house rules

The Frisian Balloon Festival are the place to marvel at everything that goes up in the air with family and friends. While enjoying ice cream, cotton candy or beer, of course. There is also plenty to do on the ground, thanks to the festival program with fun activities for everyone.
Together with you, we therefore want to make a fun and safe 37th edition of the Frisian Balloon Festival. To do this, we have drawn up a number of house rules. By entering the event site, you agree to the house rules below. Every visitor is expected to have familiarized themselves with the house rules. If you have any questions, doubts or comments, please contact the organization. Instructions from the organization, related to the house rules, must be followed promptly at all times on site and in the vicinity.

  • Stichting Friese Ballonfeesten, or the persons working for it, cannot be held liable for any injury and/or material damage, including damage as a result of theft or loss, that visitors to the event experience at the event site or outside. Entering the site is entirely at your own risk.
  • Bringing pets, other than service dogs - professionally trained dogs that help people with disabilities have more freedom and a more independent life - is not allowed on the Nutsbaan.
  • Program components are subject to change. The organization reserves the right to change the program or to cancel the festival for good reasons.
  • Every visitor must be able to identify themselves.
  • You can be searched at the entrance and on the grounds. We check for age. Alcohol is not provided to persons under 18 years of age.
  • It is not allowed to bring the following items to the festival site: alcoholic food, (alcoholic) drinks, bottles, cans, glassware, cans, plastic bottles, drugs, weapons and/or guns, weapons similar to weapons or offensive objects.
  • We have a zero tolerance drug policy. It is prohibited to carry, trade and/or use narcotics with you, both inside and in the immediate vicinity of the festival site and the surrounding area. If this is detected, you will be immediately removed from the site or handed over to the police.
  • The organization always has the authority to deny certain persons access to the site or to remove them (or have them removed) from the site.
  • When you enter the site, you agree that photos and videos will be taken where you are visible. This is used for promotional purposes. If you have an objection, you can send an email to We will then remove the footage immediately.
  • Parking on site or (the designated places) in the area is entirely at your own risk.
  • It is not allowed to use emergency exits as normal entrances and exits, unless the organization has indicated otherwise.