Below you'll find answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you still have a question that you can't find an answer to, please send an email to info@ballonfeesten.nl. We will then try to answer your question as soon as possible.


Ik heb een ballonvaart geboekt, hoe nu verder?

Iedereen die een ballonvaart heeft geboekt voor de Friese Ballonfeesten 2024 krijgt deze week een e-mail van de organisatie met daarin uitleg over het vervolg.Heb je specifieke vragen die niet kunnen wachten? Stuur dan een e-mail naar passagiers@ballonfeesten.nl

Where does the festival take place?

The Frisian Balloon Parties take place on the Nutsbaan in Joure.info@ballonfeesten.nl.

What are the rules at the festival site?

Our house rules are h.pieper@ballonfeesten.nl of via tel. 06 83905791.Ook is er een mogelijkheid voor overleg voor een interview met een van de bestuursleden.

We are always looking for a number of enthusiastic volunteers! Do you want to make the Frisian Balloon Festival a success with us? Then sign up via . Then the organization will contact you.


Wanneer wordt de 38e editie van de Friese Ballonfeesten gehouden?

De 38e editie van de Friese Ballonfeesten vindt van 16 tot en met 20 juli 2025 plaats op de Nutsbaan in Joure.

Waar vindt het festival plaats?

De Friese Ballonfeesten vinden plaats op de Nutsbaan in Joure.

Wat zijn de regels op het festivalterrein?

Onze huisregels zijn hier te vinden.

Ik wil graag vrijwilliger zijn bij de Friese Ballonfeesten. Kan dat?

Wij zijn altijd op zoek naar een aantal enthousiaste vrijwilligers! Wil jij samen met ons een succes maken van de Friese Ballonfeesten? Geef je dan op via info@ballonfeesten.nl. Dan neemt de organisatie contact met je op.

Welke mogelijkheden zijn er om de Friese Ballonfeesten te sponsoren?

Al onze sponsorarrangementen zijn op sponsorenpagina te vinden.


Where can I park my car?

When you arrive in Joure, follow the P-Ballonfeesten signs. You will then arrive at a spacious car park a few minutes' walk from the event site. The cost of parking is 5 euro. Please note: there is a temporary parking ban in other streets around the festival site. Avoid being fined and park only in the designated areas.

Is there a disabled parking space?

Upon presentation of a disabled parking ticket, you can use a specially equipped car park on Blaauwhoflaan, directly behind the festival site.

I'm coming by bike. Where can I put it?

A parking field for cyclists has been set up at the back of the festival site, on Blaauwhoflaan. There is no cost to park your bike on that field.

Is there a fee to park my car/bike?

The cost of parking your car is 5 euro. Parking your bike in the bike parking lot is free.

I want to go to the Frisian Balloon Festival by public transport. What is the best way to do that?

The most convenient thing is to click on the route planner 9292.nl to use. There are several bus stops near the festival site.


Do the balloons go up in the air?

This depends on the weather conditions. Every evening, the pilots are briefed about the latest weather situation. Based on this, it is determined whether or not the balloons can go into the air. Ultimately, the pilot decides for himself whether or not to sail. We communicate the latest news about the balloon takeoff via our social media channels.

What time do the balloons go into the air?

Balloons can only go into the air when the thermals have decreased sufficiently. This is often the case around two hours before sunset. What time the balloons go into the air also depends on the weather conditions, for example because you first have to wait until the wind has subsided sufficiently. In a normal situation, the balloons will take off around 8 p.m., but this is certainly not an established fact. Depending on the situation at that moment, the balloons may go up earlier or later, or may not even take off at all. So be sure to keep an eye on our social media accounts for the latest information.

How many balloons go up in the air each night?

In good weather, a maximum of 35 balloons go into the air. The pilot decides whether or not to launch a balloon. This depends on various factors, including weather conditions.

Which balloons participate in the 37th Frisian Balloon Festival?

The list of participating balloons is here to find.

Are all balloons present every night?

Most participating balloons are present every evening. The weather conditions determine which balloons will actually be visible. We'll keep you up to date via our social media accounts.

I am a balloonist and would like to participate in the Frisian Balloon Festival. Is that possible?

Pilots can register via this form. The organization will contact you if your registration has been accepted. If you have any questions, please send an email to ballonnen@ballonfeesten.nl

I have a model balloon and would like to participate in the Frisian Balloon Festival. Is that possible?

Yes, you can. For the terms and conditions, please send an email to balloons@balloonfestival.nl.

Book a balloon ride

How do I book a hot air balloon ride?

You can here book a balloon ride.

How much does it cost to take a balloon ride?

Taking a balloon ride during the 37th edition of the Frisian Balloon Festival costs 225 euro per person for an evening flight.

Is a hot air balloon ride safe?

Ballooning is relatively the safest form of aviation. A hot air balloon accident is rare. This is partly due to the strict requirements for pilots/crew and equipment. All pilots at the Frisian Balloon Festival have a valid certificate and are medically examined every year. All the material used for ballooning must also undergo a strict inspection every year. So taking a balloon ride is certainly safe.

Is there an age limit for taking a balloon ride?

Children can ride in a balloon if they are taller than 1.30 meters. Otherwise, they will not be able to look over the edge of the basket on their own. Larger children are allowed to go accompanied by a parent or guardian. There is no maximum age for taking a balloon ride. However, you must be fit enough to jump off a chair.

I am pregnant. Can I then ride in a balloon?

Unfortunately, if you are pregnant, you are not allowed to ride in a balloon.

I'm in a wheelchair. Can I then ride in a balloon?

Contact the organization info@ballonfeesten.nl

How many people can ride in a balloon?

This depends on the size of the balloon and the size of the balloon basket. This ranges from 2 to 18 people.

How long does a hot air balloon ride take?

In principle, a balloon ride takes one hour. This may be deviated from depending on weather conditions and landing options.

Do you suffer from vertigo in a hot air balloon?

If you are afraid of heights, don't worry. The fear of heights disappears as soon as the hot air balloon loses contact with the ground.

I would like to take a balloon ride with a group. Is that possible?

We try to place the group together in a balloon as much as possible, but that depends on the size of the balloon and the number of groups present. So we don't guarantee that everyone can go up in the same balloon.

I booked a balloon ride, but due to circumstances, I can't go. How do I request a refund?

In principle, no refund of money will be made. In that case, we will try to find another date with you on which the balloon ride can take place.

My balloon ride has been canceled. What now?

The balloon ride will be scheduled at another time as soon as possible. The organization will contact you.

Do the balloons go up in the air?

This depends on the weather conditions. Every evening, the pilots are briefed about the latest weather situation. Based on this, it is determined whether or not the balloons can go into the air. Ultimately, the pilot decides for himself whether or not to sail. We communicate the latest news about the balloon takeoff via our social media channels.

What time do the balloons go into the air?

Balloons can only go into the air when the thermals have decreased sufficiently. This is often the case around two hours before sunset. What time the balloons go into the air also depends on the weather conditions, for example because you first have to wait until the wind has subsided sufficiently. In a normal situation, the balloons will take off around 8 p.m., but this is certainly not an established fact. Depending on the situation at that moment, the balloons may go up earlier or later, or may not even take off at all. So be sure to keep an eye on our social media accounts for the latest information.

How many balloons go up in the air each night?

In good weather, a maximum of 35 balloons go into the air. The pilot decides whether or not to launch a balloon. This depends on various factors, including weather conditions.

Which balloons participate in the 37th Frisian Balloon Parties?

The list of participating balloons is here to find.

Are all balloons present every night?

Most participating balloons are present every evening. The weather conditions determine which balloons will actually be visible. We'll keep you up to date via our social media accounts.


What does the program for the 37th Frisian Balloon Festival look like?

The program for the 37th Frisian Balloon Parties is here to find.

Are all program components really free?

Yes, all program components are free for visitors.

I would like to participate in the Oldtimer Day with my old-timer. Is that possible?

You can apply until July 9, 2024 via oldtimers@ballonfeesten.nl sign up for the old-timer day. The old-timer must be at least 40 years old.

How do I sign up for the car boot market?

Via kofferbakmarkt@ballonfeesten.nl you can sign up for the trunk market until July 19, 2024.


Can I bring my own food and drinks?

No, this is not allowed. There is a sufficient range of food and drinks on site.

Can I bring my pet into the property?

No, this is not allowed. There is an exception for service animals.

Is there a grandstand?

No, there is no grandstand on the site. There are plenty of other seats on the site, though.

Can I bring a seat from home?

This is not prohibited, but there is sufficient seating on the site and a special field has been set up for the disabled.

Is the Nutsbaan wheelchair accessible?

Yes, the site has been made accessible to wheelchairs and a special compartment has been set up so that people in wheelchairs can see the balloons properly. There is also a toilet specially designed for wheelchair users.

Is my service dog allowed to enter the festival site?

Yes, this is allowed.

Are there toilets on site?

There are toilets at various locations on the site. There is also a toilet specially designed for wheelchair users.

Do you have to pay for a toilet visit?

No, you don't have to pay for a toilet visit.

How often are the toilets cleaned?

We have a cleaning team that ensures that the toilets stay clean.

Is there first aid on site?

Yes, there is a first aid team on site.


I would like to make a report about the Frisian Balloon Festival. How do I get in touch with the organization?

Send us an email via info@ballonfeesten.nl. The organization will then contact you as soon as possible.

Before what date do I need to accredit myself?

Media organizations that want to attend the 37th Frisian Balloon Festival must register before July 22, 2024 via info@ballonfeesten.nl.

My platform would like to pay attention to the Frisian Balloon Festival. Can I also go with a balloon?

Contact us at info@ballonfeesten.nl. Then we will discuss the options.

I am a journalist/photographer. Can I enter the balloon field while the balloons take off?

Contact us at info@ballonfeesten.nl.

What is the policy for balloon spotters?

Everyone is welcome to take photos at the 37th Frisian Balloon Parties. However, it is not allowed to enter the balloon field without prior permission from the organization.

I haven't signed up, but I've been coming to the Frisian Balloon Festival as a photographer/journalist/balloon spotter for years. Then I'm allowed to go to the balloon field, right?

No, this is not allowed. Only photographers/journalists/balloon spotters who registered before July 22, 2024 and who have received permission from the organization are welcome to enter the balloon field.

Can I shoot in the air with a drone?

No, this is not allowed for safety reasons.


A photo of me was taken and published. I don't want to do this. How can I specify that this photo should be removed?

To do this, check the general terms and conditions.

I lost something in the balloon field. Did you find items?

At the info desk at the main entrance, we have a lost and found department.

What does the organization do to ensure that people under 18 do not drink alcohol?

We may ask you to show proof of identity. Check the general terms and conditions.

What does the organization do to ensure that no drugs are used on and around the festival site?

The use of drugs is not allowed. Check the general terms and conditions. In the event of a violation, immediate removal from the festival site will follow.

Diner and dietary requirements

We do our utmost to fulfill any requests we receive regarding dietary requirements. You can express your dietary requirements to us up to 48 hours before your visit by sending an email to g.veenstra@ballonfeesten.nl

Experience it from above

Get away from your daily worries for a while. Join us as a passenger and admire the beautiful Frisian landscape, characterised by lakes, forests and farmlands. Attention! You must be at least 1 meter 30 to enjoy the view.

book a balloon ride

Voor de Friese Ballonfeesten 2024 is het niet meer mogelijk om ballonvaarten te boeken. In de toekomst zal dit wel weer mogelijk zijn voor 2025. Houdt hiervoor de website in de gaten.

Photo of balloonists at the Frisian Balloon Parties
Photo of balloonists at the Frisian Balloon Parties
book a hot air balloon ride